- Ghost Ship (4), To Be A Man (112) - It's a Tie!
- The Widowmaker (9)
- Pilot (65)
- Nightmares (71)
- Trumbo's World (119)
- The Escape (123)
- Cease Fire (27)
- The Golden Triangle (35)
- Last Stand (36)
- The Assassin (54)
- Deadly Dreams (18)
- The Heist (52)
- Target MacGyver (62)
- The Gauntlet (gambit, episode) (1)
- Bitter Harvest (44)
- Humanity (94)
- Log Jam (11)
- The Human Factor (96)
- Family Matter (56)
- Strictly Business (8)
- Countdown (63)
- Rush to Judgement (92)
- Every Time She Smiles (86)
- DOA MacGyver (50)
- The Invisible Killer (15)
- Thief of Budapest (34)
- Phoenix Under Siege (10)
- The Madonna (69)
- Blow Out (28)
- Lesson in Evil (19)
- The Stringer (57)
- The Road Not Taken (47)
- Faith, Hope & Charity (49)
- Black Rhino (66)
- Jack in the Box (30)
- Ugly Duckling (38)
- The Outsiders (23)
- Hellfire (130)
- The Negotiator (13)
- Squeeze Play (67)
- Back from the Dead (109)
- The Eraser (110)
- Pirates (20)
- GX-1 (46)
- Birth Day (42)
- Murderers' Sky (26)
- Passages (58)
- The Endangered (12)
- The Enemy Within (76)
- Fire and Ice (87)
- The Challenge (131)
- Silent World (39)
- Slow Death (51)
- Lost Love, Part Two (64)
- Lost Love, Part One (64)
- The Survivors (5)
- Easy Target (40)
- Bushmaster (32)
- Obsessed (17)
- Brainwashed (33)
- The Visitor (25)
- Flame's End (122)
- The Battle of Tommy Giordano (21)
- For Love or Money (106)
- Out in the Cold (7)
- Eagles (83)
- Soft Touch (77)
- Twice Stung (101)
- Rock the Cradle (31)
- Cleo Rocks (14)
- Halloween Knights (48)
- Tough Boys (90)
- Early Retirement (29)
- A Prisoner of Conscience (118)
- The Black Corsage (45)
- Blind Faith (59)
- Three for the Road (16)
- High Control (102)
- Jerico Games (84)
- Deathlock (37)
- Deep Cover (61)
- Jack of Lies (82)
- Runners (74)
- The Wish Child (111)
- The Ten Percent Solution (72)
- Off the Wall (98)
- Gold Rush (89) - a matching ranking!
- Legend of the Holy Rose 2 (81)
- Legend of the Holy Rose 1 (81)
- The Wall (53)
- Fraternity of Thieves (78)
- The Spoilers (41)
- Renegade (105)
- Partners (22)
- On a Wing and a Prayer (114)
- Friends (103)
- The Odd Triple (70)
- Ma Dalton (68)
- Gunz 'N Boyz (108)
- There But For The Grace (128)
- Hell Week (104)
- The Prometheus Syndrome (99)
- The Gun (91)
- Walking Dead (43)
- Collision Course (80)
- Live and Learn (97)
- Split Decision (88)
- Children of Light (73) - a matching ranking with Mark!
- Trail of Tears (93)
- Thin Ice (115)
- Dalton, Jack of Spies (75)
- Second Chance (127)
- Jenny's Chance (60)
- The Secret of Parker House (125)
- Good Knight MacGyver 1 (6)
- Good Knight MacGyver 2 (6)
- The Treasure of Manco (107)
- Mask of the Wolf (3)
- Blood Brothers (100)
- Serenity (95)
- Final Approach (129)
- The Wasteland (85)
- Hearts of Steel (116)
- Kill Zone (133)
- Eye of Osiris (121)
- Two Times Trouble (124)
- The 'Hood (24)
- The Lost Amadeus (134)
- MacGyver's Women (113)
- Deadly Silents (126)
- Unfinished Business (79)
- Harry's Will (120)
- Twenty Questions (132)
- Honest Abe (135)
- The Mountain of Youth (136)
- Hind-Sight (117)
- The Coltons (55)
Thursday, December 11, 2014
He brings a detailed eye, a quick wit, and some perspective from across the pond. That's right, we're talking about Al, everyone's favorite British MacGyver fan! Here are his rankings!
I’ve finally re-hashed my rankings and am proposing that I send them through in chunks over the next few days to make them easier to deal with. Some of them have shifted downwards as in my original enthusiasm before I ranked them properly, I placed them all too high and didn’t leave enough room and some have been re-ranked after talking myself out of my original ranking.
ReplyDeleteStarting at no 139; The Coltons,
138; Hindsight
137 M of Youth
136; Honest Abe
135Twenty Questions
134; Harry’s will
133 ;Unfinished Business
132; Deadly Silents
131 MacGyver’s women
130; Lost Amadeus
129; The Hood
128;Two x Trouble
127; Eye of Osiris
126; Kill zone
125 Hearts of Steel
124; The Wasteland
123 Final Approach
122; Serenity
121: Blood Brothers
120 (to be revealed!)
119; Treasure of Manco
118: (to be revealed)
117: ( to be revealed)
116 Secret of Parker House
115: Jenny’s chance
114; Second chance
That’ll do for now - Sorry to give you more work to do just as you’re heading for the finale!
Have a a few moments , so will do another batch now;
ReplyDelete113; Dalton J of Spies, 112; Thin Ice, 111; Trail of Tears 110 Children of Light 109; Split Decision, 108; Live and Learn. 107 Fraternity of Thieves, 106;Walking Dead, 105;The Gun, 104 Prometheus Syndrome, 103 Hell Week, 102 There but for the Grace. 101 Guns n Boyz, 100 Ma Dalton. 99;Odd Triple, 98 Friends. 97 on a Wing and a Prayer, 96; Partners. 95; Renegade, 94 ; Off The Wall. 93; Collision Course. 92 The Wall, 91 Legend of the HR 1, 90; Legend of the HR 2,
The Wall has dropped down - my own analysis persuaded me I didn’t like it as much as I had thought!
Awesome! Excited to see your full list - keep 'em coming! I'll update your post in the next few days.
DeleteNext batch coming up….
ReplyDelete89: Gold Rush, 88; Spoilers; 87 10% solution 86:Wish Child 85 Runners, 84 Jack of Lies 83; Deep cover 82 Deathlock, 81;Jericho Games, 80;High Control 79, Three For the Road, 78 Blind Faith 77:Black Corsage 76 Prisoner of Conscience 75 Early Retiirement74 Tough Boys 73; Halloween Nights, 72 Cleo Rocks, 71; Rock The Cradle, 70 Twice Stung.
Several episodes that I originally placed in the 60’s and 70’s have moved up to the 70’s and 80’s due to overcrowding and I’ve moved Tough Boys further up than I originally had in mind. Halloween Nights has dropped down a bit from 50’s to 70’s and Deathlock from 60’s to 80’s.
Gold Rush is a matching ranking for us!
DeleteCounting down from 70…
ReplyDelete69; Soft Touch 68: Eagles 67: Out in the Cold 66; For Love or Money 65: ??? 64; Battle of Tommy G 63: Flames End 62 ;The Visitor 61; Brainwashed 60; Obsessed 59; Bushmaster 58; Easy Target 57; ???? 56; Lost Love 1 55; Lost Love 2, 54; Slow Death 53; Silent world 52; The Challenge 51; Fire and Ice 50; The Enemy Within 49; The Endangered 48 Passages 47 Murderers sky 46: Birthday 45: GX-1 44; Pirates, 43 The Eraser 42 Back from The Dead; 41 Squeeze Play 40 The Negotiator
Murderer’s sky has moved up as I thought I’d underrated it before but some others have had to shift from 40’ to 50’s and from 50’s to 60’s to make room. Bushmaster has had a dramatic fall from 34 to 59 having talked myself out of it!
39 to 20 coming up…
ReplyDelete39, Hellfire, 38 The Outsiders, 37 Ugly Duckling, 36; Jack in the Box 35: Black Rhino 34; Faith Hope and Charity 33 Road not Taken 32 The Stringer 31 Lesson in Evil 30 Blow Out 29 Madonna 28 Phoenix under Siege 27 Thief Of Budapest 26 Invisible Killer 25 DOA MacG 24 Every Time She smiles 23 Rush to judgement 22 Countdown 21 Strictly Business 20 Family Matter 19 Human Factor
Before I had a clearer idea of my rankings, I originally had Human Factor and Every time She Smiles as broadly in the top 50/60 but thought they would both actually sit pretty high within that range – and they do!
You listed Manco as 119 but also Good Knight MacGyver Part 2 as 119 so I made GKM 120 for now - let me know if you want me to change anything around there.
DeleteSorry - it should be: 119 Treasure of M 118 GKM2 117 GKM1. I've shifted the rankings around so much I've confused myself!
DeleteNow for 18 to 6. I’m still trying to decide the final order of the top 10!
ReplyDelete18 Log Jam, 17, Humanity, 16 Bitter Harvest, 15 …………… 14 Target MacGyver, 13 The Heist, 12 Deadly Dreams, 11 The Assassin.
Have just finished a marathon MacGyver watching session in an attempt to sort out the top 5 slots so here's the final countdown...
ReplyDelete10 Last Stand 9 Golden Triangle, 8 Cease Fire, 7 The Escape, 6 Trumbo's World, 5 Nightmares, 4 Pilot, 3 Widowmaker, Joint 1 Ghost ship and To be a man.
Cease Fire and Last Stand have moved down a place to make way for Trumbo's word to move up. I may also have a last minute change of heart......!
Awesome, thanks for taking the extra effort! I will update these later today. And looks like we're missing one (since I have a blank for 15, 57, 65, and 120 and there are only 3 episodes left). I'll see if I can figure out which one is missing.
DeleteI can help you out there - its the Survivors which fills the 57 slot. Thanks for all your efforts to create my rankings page!
ReplyDeleteGhost Ship and the Widowmaker as no 1 and no 3 - nice choice! Its a tough call but I think those two are my all time favourites :-)
ReplyDeleteAl, you never ranked one of Nicks favorites!!